張柏舟Po-Chou Chang

Po-Chou Chang








國際技能競賽裁判(IVTC EXPERT)




Bachelor degree from the Department of Fine Arts, NTNU

M.A. in Arts and Design, Iowa State University

Professor to the Department of Fine Arts, NTNU

Director and Professor to the Graduate Institute of Design

International Member of Urban Sketchers

International Vocational Training Competition Expert

Jury member to art exhibitions

Various solo exhibitions and invitations to artworkshowcase

三貂嶺聚落 (Sandiaoling Community Series)

三貂嶺為台灣平溪煤礦鐵路與東海岸鐵路分歧點,原為煤礦場形成聚落,如今為深藏在基隆河曲流之間的美景村落。現場城市速寫水彩上色(pen and ink with watercolour)。
Sandiaoling is the bifurcation point of Pingsi Coal Mine Railway and East Coast Railway. It was originally a community formed for a coal mine nearby, and now is a beautiful village situated between the meanders of Keelung River. On-site urban sketch; pen and ink with watercolor.

日月潭湖邊聚落 (The Community by Sun Moon Lake)

早期日月潭湖邊周圍為台灣原住民聚落,尤其以尹達邵部落及水社部落最為熱鬧,如今因觀光而形成特殊的城市景觀美景。現場城市速寫水彩上色(pen and ink with watercolour)。
The area around Sun Moon Lake used to be the community for Taiwanese indigenous people in the early days. The Ita Thao and the Kankwan were the most populous tribes. Nowadays, it has become a unique urban scenic landscape due to tourism. On-site urban sketch; pen and ink with watercolor.

北部濱海風景 (Northern Coast Scenery Series)

由基隆海科館容軒360度觀景台,可欣賞八斗子漁港、長濱漁港、潮境公園、基隆山及九份等台灣北部濱海公路美景。現場城市速寫水彩上色(pen and ink with watercolour)
On the 360 degree Rong Hsuan Observation Deck, National Museum of Marine Science and Technology, Keelung, one may appreciate the beautiful scenery along the North Coastal Expressway of Taiwan, such as Badouzi Fishing Harbor, Changbin Fishing Harbor, Chaojing Park, Keelung Mountain, and Jiufen. On-site urban sketch; pen and ink with watercolor.

台北北門圓環 (The Circle around the Old North Gate of Taipei)

台北北門(承恩門)為古台北城地標,周圍商圈因北門存在而興起,形成北門圓環區的商街特色,如今已整修為北門觀光公園。現場城市速寫水彩上色(pen and ink with watercolour)。
The North Gate of Taipei (Cheng-En Gate/Beimen) is a landmark of the Old Taipei. The commercial district nearby rose because of the North Gate, and becomes the feature of the commercial district of the Circle around the North Gate. It is now renovated into a tourist park of Beimen. On-site urban sketch; pen and ink with watercolor.

台灣傳統廟宇 (Traditional Taiwan Temple Series)

台灣傳統廟宇建構及色彩幾乎相同,無論在日月潭山中的文武廟或海邊金山慈護宮都是典型傳統廟宇特色代表,極盡宮廟之美。現場城市速寫水彩上色(pen and ink with watercolour)。
The contstruction as well as the color of Taiwan's traditional temples is almost identical to each other. Either the Wen Wu Temple by Sun Moon Lake or the Cihugong of Jinshan is the classics of traditional temples, examplifying the beauty of temples. On-site urban sketch; pen and ink with watercolor.

淡水江邊漁港 (Tamsui Fishing Harbor Series)

淡水第一漁港早期為台灣八景之一的淡水暮色,現今為淡水老街的熱鬧商街所取代,但漁港漁舟隨江水潮汐漂沉,留下了許多詩意的美景。現場城市速寫水彩上色(pen and ink with watercolour)。
The First Tan-Shui (Tamsui) Fishing Harbor used to be the Eight Views of Taiwan – The Dusk of Tamsui. It is now replaced by the popular commercial district of the Tamsui Old Street. Yet the scene of the fishing port and boats going up and down with the tide left us a poetic beauty. On-site urban sketch; pen and ink with watercolor.