Ming-Chang Hsieh
Born in 1955, Ming-Chang Hsieh is a Taiwanese professional watercolor painter. Hsieh used to be an associate professor of the Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts, and is now a visiting professor to the Department of Arts and Creative Design, Hsuan Chuang University. The artist rose with the Lion Art New Talent Award despite his liberal art background, and was active in 1970s, the first golden age of watercolor painting of Taiwan. At the age of 27, he was awarded with a “Youth Western Painting Special Award” from the National Culture and Arts Foundation. At his 40s, the artist was invited to Christie's International Art Auction twice. At the age of 50, he was selected as the icon of the local artists in Taiwan in 1970s in the “Development of Arts in Taiwan” by the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. At 60, Hsieh was voted as the No.1 of Popularity Award by the visitors in the “International Watercolor Elite Exhibition".
壯闊與溫柔 (Magnificent and Tender)
愛畫花的理由是,它帶給創作者莫大的自由。寫實、寫意、表現、抽象...任何畫法都適合,花是藝術的化身,美的代言人。 繡球單朵現身時,婉約溫柔;幾十朵一起時,浩瀚壯闊。繡球是花中絕品,但「美」卻是畫繡球最微不足道的理由…
The reason for drawing flowers is that it brings tremendous freedom to the artist. It fits whether it be realistic, freehand, expression, abstract, or any art style. Flower is the incarnation of arts, the avatar of beauty. One single Chinese Snowball is tender and delicate; it is vast and magnificent in dozens. Chinese Snowball is the gem of flowers. However, “beautiful” is the least reason for drawing Chinese Snowball……
記憶深處 (Rooted in the Memory)
This bicycle is actually an indoor showpiece belonging to some nostalgic restaurant. A strong beam of light cast by the spotlight onto the bike, creating a dramatic effect the sun can never create. The background is made of patched old window frames. Yet, I softened it, modifying it into a realistic appearance of some old residence. The sense of beauty will reveal itself anytime, if we can capture it.
愛的禮物 (Gift of Affection)
“Beauty” is practically everywhere. The Mother Nature has given us ample themes for creation, while the human landscape grants us novel experience. It is like a second-hand creation. Someone with deft hands made the ball of roses, and I re-created it through the reflection of glass with an artistic sense and watercolor technique. Let the two hearts hidden at the back speak for the painting.
鹽水舊港 (Old Port of Yanshuei (Late Dynasty))
This piece depicts the populous market in Yanshuei District of Tainan in the early days. Referring an old photograph in black and white passed down from the Japanese colonization period, the artist slightly adjusted the composition and added colors subjectively, creating the piece with an artistic touch. “The New Taiwanese Seeing the Old Taiwan” is one of the 5 major creation series of the artist, which is equivalent to a “history of Taiwan in watercolor”. To date, there are over 100 art pieces created, and this is one of them.