楊恩生Yang En-Sheng

Anderson Yang






Anderson Yang is the first generation of the eco-artists in Taiwan. He has been known for “watercolor still life painting” before his 30, and thus became the contract artist to Lung Men Art Gallery. Since 1988, Yang has been sponsored by three enterprises one after another and traveled around the world to track birds and observe wildlife. From 1990 to 1995, the artist designed series of postage stamps related to nature for Taiwan. In addition, Yang also published over 8 best-seller watercolor textbooks.

From 2012 to 2016, Anderson Yang served as the editor-in-chief for NTNU, compilingWatercolor Investigation of Taiwan, A Preliminary Study on Watercolor Materials, Colour Research for Watercolour, and Watercolor Still Life and ushered in the opportunity for research on watercolor painting in Taiwan. The artist threw himself into the world of picture books since 2016, and worked with Tien-Wei Publishing Company and Grimm Press, Inc. to publish Meet with Darwin: the Adventure to Galapagos Islands and Sounds of Nature.

楊恩生 《自然之聲》(Cover of Sounds of Nature_ picture book)

在繪畫的世界裡漂泊了四十年,單幅水彩畫至少畫了了六、七百張 ,卻發現很難只用單幅畫面說明一項探險活動或故事。繪本卻不同,至少是以 16 張跨頁的圖,述說一個完整的故事。
Drifting in the world of painting for forty years, I have drawn at least six or seven hundred single-frame watercolor paintings. However, I find it hard to narrate an adventure or story with a single picture. A picture book is different, telling a complete story with at least.16 double-spread pages of pictures.

楊恩生 《自然之聲》繪本內頁(p3-4 of Sounds of Nature_ picture book)

May the picture book "Sounds of Nature" contribute something to the ecological conservation in Taiwan. Ecology talks about issues of evolution, endemic species, and extinction, while arts is about creation. The environmental protection via arts is what we need worldwide nowadays.

古厝中的戴勝 (Hoopoe in a Vintage House)

戴勝為金門普遍的留鳥,棲息於石砌古墓的廢墟中及頹傾的古厝裡;在金門民族文化裡,他與居民生活十分接近。他高聳的冠,黑白及棕 的兩色,十分吸引藝術家的注目。
The bird Hoopoe is a resident bird commonly seen in Kinmen. They habitat in the ruins of stone-made tombs and decadent old houses. It is close to the citizens’ lives in the ethnic culture of Kinmen. Its distinctive crown with colors of black and brown catches the eyes of artists.